WATH_171x261With the success of the television series Medium and her first book, Don’t Kiss Them Good-bye, millions of people have embraced Allison, her story, and her remarkable gift. The idea for We Are Their Heaven was born out of the pieces …

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    of communication that Allison received from the spirits who touched her over her years as a medium. In this book, she helps people to understand that we are so special to those who have died that they choose to remain with us, not because they’re bound but because we are their happiness, we are their heaven.

Now Allison brings readers into her psychic experiences. As we walk the continuum of life and death with her and meet the people whose lives she has touched, we feel the pain of loss and are at once saddened and then renewed by her experiences and the stories of loss and connection. Each chapter focuses on a different type of loss — parents, children, friends, and spouses who have lost loved ones through accidents, murder, suicide, and illness.

Throughout the book, people who have had readings with Allison share their experiences and the significance of their readings. They take us into their confidence and share the unique details, identifying the calling cards of the dead, the initial private piece of information that convinced them that they were communicating directly with their loved ones. Allison, in turn, takes us through the same readings and describes exactly what was delivered and how it was conveyed. She convinces us that an essential part of communicating with the deceased is learning how to read both their signs (the message) and their signature (the unique information).

Through Allison’s eyes, we see that the dead are trying to reach their living loved ones all the time. She explores timing, coincidence, auditory and sensory communications, dreams, visions, incident manipulation, and streaming events to affirm their attempts. Allison presents the riveting details of her communications — what she hears, sees, and feels.