This is Part 2 of my discussion with my very special guest, Tarron Estes! She’s a Dream Interpreter, a Death Doula, and a teacher of Death Doulas who has spent her life helping the dying as well as helping people to uses their own special gifts. Have you ever had a strange dream and wondered what those dreams mean? Well, of course, we all have! So, I asked my listeners to call in over the last few weeks about unusual dreams they’ve had and today, Tarron’s going to give her impressions of what those dreams mean.
If you want to leave me a message that might be shared on a future episode of The Dead Life and my Love Me, Love Me Not segment, leave it at
802.DEAD.811 802.332.3811.

Tarron Estes
Welcome, I’m Tarron Estes, Founder of the Conscious Dying Institute, Boulder Colorado . I am an End Of Life Educator, Radiant Dreamers Facilitator, and Best Three Months Planner, a process to understand what matters most in all Five Domains of life.
I designed and created “Conscious Dying Coach, Sacred Passage Doula and Conscious Dying Educator Certificates. Over 5000 students have engaged in these end of life education courses who now work serving others who need end of life care and support.